Online Governance Survey

Dear IPPF,

We are seeking your views to inform the development of new, fit-for-purpose, regional and global governance models that will be accountable, agile and will better serve the needs of a modernized Federation.

And, at the same time, we are looking at updating the IPPF resource allocation model, which distributes unrestricted funding to the Member Associations and the Secretariat offices. This current model has remained unchanged since 1997.

We are seeking frank and honest responses from across the Federation. We will therefore anonymise any individual responses to ensure confidentiality.

All emails will be confidential to the Commissions.

Yours sincerely,

Steven Sinding
Chair of the Independent Governance
Reform Commission

Gillian Greer
Chair of the Independent Resource
Allocation Commission

We will use the email address to filter responses and to restrict survey access to one form per person. Your email will not be used to track input and your comments will not be cited against your name.

If you are denied access to the survey, please urgently report this to one of the two commissioners: or

This survey deals only with IPPF’s regional and global level governance. It does not include MA governance.

Background question

  1. Please select the IPPF region that your organization is located in:

  2. Please indicate your organisational affiliation in the Federation:

  3. Please indicate your role in the organisation

Survey Part 1. Governance

Please indicate your view on the basis of the below statements.

  1. The current governance structure serves IPPF well

  2. The Governing Council (global) provides clear and consistent policy direction

  3. The Governing Council provides clear and consistent strategic direction

  4. The Governing Council delivers on its financial oversight responsibilities in an effective manner

  5. The Regional Executive Committees provide clear and consistent regional policy direction

  6. The Regional Executive Committee provide clear and consistent strategic direction

  7. The Regional Executive Committees deliver their financial oversight responsibilities effectively

  8. The Governing Council has the range of expertise it requires to fulfil its responsibilities

  9. The IPPF governance structure (regional and global) gives enough voice to the Member Associations

  10. The IPPF governance structure (regional and global) ensures the most capable individuals rise to the top of IPPF’s decision-making bodies

  11. What in your opinion are:

  12. In light of your responses to the statements above, what advice would you give to the Independent Governance Reform Commission (IGRC) as it seeks to revise, or create a new governance structure for IPPF? (required)

Survey Part 2: Resource Allocation

  1. How much of your annual income do you receive via IPPF (both restricted and unrestricted)?

  2. How much of your unrestricted funding do you receive via IPPF?

  3. The current Resource Allocation model serves my organization well.

  4. The current Resource Allocation model serves the wider Federation well.

Table 1 Current Annual Core Funding Allocation
Location MAs Secretariat Governance Total
Africa 44.5% 24.4% 12.1% 37.3%
Arab World 10.0% 7.6% 7.3% 9.1%
Europe 4.0% 10.6% 7.0% 5.8%
East South East Asia Oceania 9.5% 5.6% 5.0% 8.1%
South Asia 16.0% 7.3% 2.9% 13.0%
Western Hemisphere 16.0% 10.9% 8.0% 14.1%
Central Office/London 0.0% 33.6% 57.7% 12.6%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
  1. Review the table above. IPPF’s unrestricted funding has been allocated fairly and correctly

  2. The current Resource Allocation model is transparent (I know how and why decisions are made about the allocation)

  3. What do you see as the most important criteria for allocating IPPF core funding? (Select up to three)

  4. All Member Associations should receive unrestricted funding? (required)

  5. IPPF should have a special fund set aside that allows it to respond to unique or newly emerging issues (e.g. strategic shifts, medical innovations)

  6. We need to review the funding model at regular intervals to ensure that it is dynamic, fair and aligned with IPPF’s strategic priorities

  7. In light of your answers above, what advice would you give to the Independent Resource Allocation Commission as it seeks to revise and improve the resource allocation model for IPPF? (required)